Flooring Jack


Floor Jack brings crooked planks into place for nailing


The Hardtouch® Flooring Jack is an easy-to-use tool to assist with flooring. It is suitable for use with all types of solid floorboards, engineered, laminate, or hybrid floors. The jack has a non-scratch base to protect against any potential scratches or marks on the floor.


The Flooring Jack designed for use with any plank thickness

Easy to the ratcheting mechanism

Won’t damage a floor

Foam cover to prevent floor damage

4-inch plate for better stability and control


Place Hardtouch® Flooring Jack against the wall where you’d like to pull the boards together. Place a wooden board along the wall so as not to damage the wall on which the jack pushing mechanism rests. The front angle must be hung behind the edge of the floorboard in the gap between the floor and the wall. Once the Jack is correctly positioned, you can begin to ratchet the handle. Take care, not to over-exert the machine — It is not calculated for heavy loads and you can damage it.


Where to buy

Green Building Supply (Wetherill Park)

Additional information

Weight 3 kg
Dimensions 37 × 12 × 12 cm

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