Fire Retardant Silicone Sealant

From $15.00

Fire Retardant Silicone Sealant Alseal AS-202


Fire Retardant Silicone Sealant is a single-component, gun-grade, ready-to-use neutral silicone sealant formulated to form an elastomeric fire retardant seal in construction applications. It helps control the spread of fire, smoke, and toxic fumes within a given area surrounded by firewalls for a period of up to four hours, depending on the joint configuration.


  • Fire rating up to 4 hours (BS EN 1366-4: 2006)
  • ASTM C920 compliant
  • ±50% movement capability
  • Excellent weather and UV resistance
  • Excellent adhesion to most substrates
  • Matte finish



Recommended for firestop sealing of interior and exterior building and construction joints, where a fire rating of up to 4 hours is required. It may be used to seal vertical and horizontal joints between metals, masonry, concrete and other common construction materials.

Joint Design

  • The specified sealant bead size should be calculated to comply with the compression and extension capabilities of the sealant in relation to the anticipated joint width due to expansion and contraction.
  • Generally, calculation of the width sealant bead should be computed on the basis of a maximum ±50 % movement capability
  • Minimum joint depth should not be less than 6 mm to accommodate movement.
  • Sealant design joint width-to-depth ratio should be 2:1.

Where to buy

Green Building Supply (Wetherill Park)

Alseal AS-202 Fire Retardant Silicone Sealant has been tested per AS 1530.4: 2014 test method, certified by Exova Warringtonfire Australia Pty Ltd and meets Australian building standards.

Learn more about ALSEAL

Additional information

Weight 0.45 kg
Dimensions 25 × 6 × 6 cm



24 pcs cartridges box, Cartridge

Technical Data

Curing system                                                      : Moisture curing, neutral
Specific gravity                                                    : 1.28 g/mL
Slump (ASTM D2202)                                         : <1 mm
Maximum tensile strength (ASTM D412)     : 1.4 N/mm²
Elongation at break (ASTM D412)                   : 300 %
Movement capability (ASTM C719)                 : ±50 %
Shore A hardness (ASTM C661)                        : 33
VOC content (USEPA Method 24)                   : 43.83 g/L
VOC content (USEPA Method 310)                 : 3.46%

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