Ultra Flex Gaps Sealer

From $6.50

Ultra Flex Gaps Sealer ALSEAL AS-1120 is a premium grade high elastic acrylic sealant for both external and internal sealing applications. 




Ultra Flex Gaps Sealer AS-1120 is a premium grade high elastic acrylic sealant for both external and internal sealing applications. It is formulated with enhancing UV-resistant properties and can withstand up to 25% movement. AS-1120 Sealer is paintable and formulated for sealing gaps and joints where high movements or vibrations are expected.

Ultra Flex Sealer is ideal for external & internal sealing applications. It is good for sealing building joints that are subject to movement (door and window joints, cabinet and wardrobe installation, skirting of wood flooring, etc.).
Suitable for various substrates (metal, PVC, wood, concrete, gypsum boards, reinforced cement boards, marble, etc.).


  • ASTM C920 (class 25) compliant
  • LEED compliance
  • Exterior & Interior sealant applications
  • Low VOC compliant (SCAQMD rule #1168)
  • Paintable
  • Permanently flexible & easy cleanup


  • The substrate surface must be dry and clean; free of dirt, grease, oil, or standing water.
  • Use the two-cloth method to clean if a surface is dirty.
  • For a neat finishing, use masking tapes and remove it within the working time.
  • For sealant designs with depths of over 10 mm, use approved backing materials.

Usage Instructions of Ultra Flex Gaps sealer

  • Surfaces must be clean, dry, and free of dirt, grease, oil, or water.
  • Surfaces should be cleaned with alcohol, M.E.K., or other suitable solvents. Do not use soap or detergent.
  • For a neat finish, apply masking tape and remove it before sealant skins over.
  • Cut the nozzle at a 45° angle to the desired bead-width and apply to a substrate with a cartridge gun.
  • Tool the sealant within 5 minutes of extrusion before it skins. Tack-free in 15 minutes.
  • Allow drying for one hour before applying water-based paint and 24 hours for oil-based paint.
  • Uncured sealant can be cleaned up with a damp cloth.

Clean Up

  • Wet sealants can be cleaned up with acetone or mineral spirits.
  • Cured sealants can only be removed mechanically.

Ask about Ultra Flex Gaps Sealer AS-1120 in all specialty building materials stores

Learn more information about ALSEAL products

Additional information

Weight 0.45 kg
Dimensions 24 × 6 × 6 cm

24 pcs cartridges box, Cartridge

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