Window and Door Gunfoam Penosil

From $20.90

High yield window and door expanding mounting foam


PENOSIL Window & Door Gunfoam 55 156

One-component, ready-to-use polyurethane gun-grade foam for window and door frame installation, sealing joints and penetrations, and thermal and acoustic insulating. Adheres well to most materials like wood, concrete, stone, plaster, metal, PVC, and polystyrene.

• High yield allows doing more work with one canister
• Suitable for use in higher temperatures, up to +40 °C
• Low curing pressure and moderate post-expansion avoid deformation of building elements
• No shrinkage
• High thermal and acoustic insulation value

Fields of application

• Sealing window and door joints
• Sealing and joining of joints
• Insulation of penetrations
• Reducing the impact of thermal bridges
• Thermal and sound insulation

Application instructions

Surface Preparation

Remove dust, loose particles, and oil stains from the surfaces. Moisten dry substrate with a water mist to ensure better results. Protect adjacent surfaces with paper, plastic film or other suitable material. If needed add additional shield outside for weather protection (against rain, wind, etc.).

Application method
  • Shake the can vigorously at least 20 times.
  • Remove the cap. Hold the foam can in upright position with valve up.
  • Screw the can tightly to the gun by holding the gun handle with one hand and turning the can with the other hand.
  • Do not aim the gun at people. Avoid screwing the can to the gun with valve upside down. Do not screw the gun to the can. Do not bend or turn the can during screwing.
  • Hold the can upside down when extruding the foam.
  • Foam output can be adjusted with gun trigger and adjustment screw.
    Fill joints up to approx. 65%, as the foam expands. In case of larger joints apply foam in several layers and moisten slightly between each layer to ensure better results.
    Excess foam can be cut after it has fully cured.

Use Penosil Foam Cleaner to clean tools and surfaces from uncured foam. Hands, clothes and foam gun can also be cleaned from uncured foam with Penosil Cleaning Wipes. Remove cured foam mechanically after softening with Penosil Foam Remover.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 7 × 7 × 35 cm

12 Cans Carton, Can

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