CRAFTOR supplies high-end high powerful and durable air-tools and accessories designed for professionals acting in construction and surrounding industries.
Nowadays, there are three main technologies of high-tech tools for construction and surrounding industries in the market: electric/cordless (battery) tools, gas-powered tools and pneumatic/air tools.
Having assessed all pros & cons of the entire technologies, it could be said such as following:
- Firstly, pneumatic/air tools is safe to use indoors;
- Secondly, air tools spin significantly faster, do not overheat, shrug off abuse and are more reliable, as well as being noticeably lighter and easier to manhandle;
- Thirdly, air tools usually provide more power and more speed, are generally rebuildable;
- Finally, air power is highly effective and ecological technology versus alternatives.
Website address: https://craftor.com.au/ and https://craftor.com/